MAMBO logo MAMBO & the MAMBO Toolbox MAMBO logo

Tutorial 3
Frame 7

The MAMBO motion description corresponding to a MAMBO project contains information about the differential equations that govern the evolution of MAMBO state variables. You may solve these differential equations to generate a new time history for the MAMBO state variables or to extend an existing time history.

To generate a new time history

  1. Set values for the MAMBO parameters to be used in generating the new time history.
  2. Set initial values for the MAMBO state variables to be used in generating the new time history.
  3. Select the 'Simulation->Start' menu item.
  4. In the 'Start Simulation' dialog box, select whether to append this time history to the list of available time histories or to replace the current time history with the new time history.

Note that the 'Animation Position' slider bar serves as a progress bar during the generation of a new time history. While it is possible to animate the data generated so far at the same time as new data is being generated, this will likely slow down both the generation of new data as well as the animation.

To extend the current time history

  1. Move the 'Animation Position' slider to the position in the current time history from which you wish to start the new time history.
  2. Select the 'Simulation->Continue' menu item.

You may change the settings governing the generation of a new time history. To change the elapsed time during a simulation or the associated time step, select the 'Simulation->Solver Properties' menu item and make the desired changes in the 'Solver Settings' dialog box.

The various settings in this dialog box correspond to the basic options governing the Matlab® suite of ode integrators.

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