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Tutorial 3
Frame 8

You can also load an externally stored time history into MAMBO.

An externally stored time history must be saved in a regular text file with the suffix .sds and with the following format:

  • The first row must contain a space-separated list of the names of the MAMBO parameters.
  • The second row must contain a space-separated list of the values of the MAMBO parameters.
  • The third row must contain a space-separated list of the name of the MAMBO time variable (typically 't') followed by the names of the MAMBO state variables
  • All subsequent rows must contain a space-separated list of the value of the MAMBO time variable followed by the values of the MAMBO state variables.

To load an externally stored time history

  1. Select the 'Simulation->Load Dataset' menu item.
  2. In the 'Open' dialog box, navigate to the folder where the externally stored time history file resides, select the file (default suffix .sds), and click on the 'Open' button.

Frame 8
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