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Downloads — MAMBO Sample Projects

Welcome to the world of MAMBO, a software package for the modeling and analysis of multibody mechanisms. To experiment with the MAMBO sample projects on your computer, please read the instructions regarding system requirements, downloading, and installing below before downloading the appropriate archive.

All of the sample projects are compatible with the most recent versions of MAMBO and the MAMBO toolbox.

Click on the link below and select 'Save Target As...' in the pop-up menu. Navigate to the folder where you wish to install the MAMBO sample projects and click on the 'Save' button. (zip file, 224 kB, February 14, 2013)
This zip archive contains the source code as well as the MAMBO project file and associated geometry and motion descriptions for 21 sample MAMBO projects from Multibody Mechanics and Visualization by Harry Dankowicz, published by Springer Verlag UK, 2004.

January 19, 2013: corrected error in mupad/matlab® source in block.src.
February 24, 2013: corrected error in mathematica source in tetra.src.

In a file browser, navigate to the folder, where the file was saved. Unpack the zipped archive to the same folder. Follow the instructions in the README.txt file to visualize a sample project or to generate the visualization files using the toolbox source code.

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