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Sample project - Rigid-body Dynamics

To illustrate the effect of forces on the motion of a rigid body.

This Mambo project contains a non-stationary block. The non-stationary block may be positioned and oriented relative to the world observer in two independent steps, namely
  1. Specify the position of the center of the block.
  2. Specify the orientation of the block.
The motion of the block is unconstrained, but affected by gravity (if gravity is turned on) and by an elastic string (if the string is present).

M, Inertia11, Inertia12, Inertia13, Inertia21, Inertia22, Inertia23, Inertia31, Inertia32, and Inertia33: mass and components of the mass moment of inertia matrix of the block. Remember that the moment of inertia matrix is symmetric.

g: acceleration of gravity. When g equals zero, gravity is turned off.

k and l0: stiffness and natural length of the string. When k equals zero, the string is absent.

p1, p2, and p3: coordinates of the attachment point of the string on the block in a coordinate system with origin at the center of the block and axes parallel to the edges of the block.

l1, l2, and l3: lengths of the edges of the block.

q1, q2, and q3: coordinates of the center of the block in a coordinate system with origin at the reference point of the world observer and axes parallel to the basis vectors of the reference triad of the world observer.

q4, q5, and q6: 3-1-3 sequence of Euler angles representing the orientation of the block relative to the reference triad of the world observer.

u1, u2, u3, u4, u5, and u6: components relative to the world reference triad of the linear velocity of the center of the block relative to the world observer and the components relative to the reference triad of the block of the angular velocity of the block relative to the world observer.

  • Choose values for the inertia parameters corresponding to a human and simulate a bungy jump.
  • Simulate projectile motion in the absence of the string.
  • Choose initial conditions such that the block is near equilibrium and simulate small oscillations around the equilibrium. (zip file, 34 kb, December 30, 2012)
This zip archive contains MAMBO and the MAMBO toolbox source files to visualize the MAMBO project and regenerate visualization files using maple 16, mupad 5.6.0 (matlab R2011a), and mathematica 8.0 versions of the code found below.

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>t3:=(1/VectorLength(d)) &** d:
>t1:=(1/VectorLength(t3 &xx MakeTranslations(n,0,-((d1^2+d2^2)&==0),((d1^2+d2^2)&!=0)))) &** (t3 &xx MakeTranslations(n,0,-((d1^2+d2^2)&==0),((d1^2+d2^2)&!=0))):
>t2:=t3 &xx t1: >rot:=[seq(seq(cat(r,i,j)=simplify(MakeTranslations(n,i) &oo cat(t,j)),i=1..3),j=1..3)]:

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>b3:= scale &** DiffTime(r,spring):
>kappa:=VectorLength(scale &** DiffTime(b3,spring)):
>b1:=(scale/kappa) &** DiffTime(b3,spring):
>b2:=b3 &xx b1:
>tau:=VectorLength(scale &** DiffTime(b2,spring)):
>localrot:=Matrix(3,3,(i,j)->MakeTranslations(spring,i) &oo cat(b,j)):

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>kde:={seq(LinearVelocity(N,B) &oo MakeTranslations(n,i)=cat(u,i),i=1..3),seq(AngularVelocity(n,b) &oo MakeTranslations(b,i)=cat(u,i+3),i=1..3)}:
>dde:={seq((DiffTime(p,n) &-- ((k*(l0/VectorLength(rNP)-1)) &** rNP) &-- MakeTranslations(n,0,0,-M*g)) &oo MakeTranslations(n,i)=0,i=1..3),seq((DiffTime(h,n) &-- (rBP &xx ((k*(l0/VectorLength(rNP)-1)) &** rNP))) &oo MakeTranslations(b,i)=0,i=1..3)}:

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>MotionOutput(ode=kde union dde,states=[q1,q2,q3,q4,q5=0.5,q6,u1,u2,u3,u4,u5,u6],parameters=[l1=1,l2=.5,l3=.25,marker=.1,Inertia11=2,Inertia12,Inertia13,Inertia21,Inertia22=1,Inertia23,Inertia31,Inertia32,Inertia33=.5,M=2,g=10,k=10,l0=1,p1=0.5,p2=.25,p3=-.125],anims=[le=.1,d1=q1+(cos(q4)*cos(q6)-sin(q4)*cos(q5)*sin(q6))*p1+(-cos(q4)*sin(q6)-sin(q4)*cos(q5)*cos(q6))*p2+sin(q4)*sin(q5)*p3,d2=q2+(sin(q4)*cos(q6)+cos(q4)*cos(q5)*sin(q6))*p1+(-sin(q4)*sin(q6)+cos(q4)*cos(q5)*cos(q6))*p2-cos(q4)*sin(q5)*p3,d3=q3+sin(q5)*sin(q6)*p1+sin(q5)*cos(q6)*p2+cos(q5)*p3,l=sqrt(d1^2+d2^2+d3^2)/29.8,codegen:-optimize(rot),scaleon=(k&!=0)],checksings,checkargs,filename="dynamics.dyn");

Sample projects