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Sample project - Lamp

To illustrate
  • the procedure for finding values for the state variables that satisfy all configuration constraints;
  • the occurrence of singularities in the kinematic differential equations.

This Mambo project contains a non-stationary desk lamp. The configuration of the lamp may be specified in six independent steps, namely
  1. Position and orient the base relative to the world observer.
  2. Orient the lower beam relative to the base.
  3. Orient the middle beam relative to the base.
  4. Orient the upper beam relative to the base.
  5. Orient the bracket relative to the lower beam.
  6. Orient the lamp shade relative to the bracket.
The motion of the lamp is constrained so as to guarantee that the end point of the upper beam coincides with the corresponding joint on the bracket provided that this is accomplished by the initial configuration; and so that the change in orientation of the upper beam is accompanied by an opposite change in the orientation of the middle beam to respect the impenetrability of the spur gears.

The various parameters correspond to lengths and sizes of the different parts of the lamp.

q1, q2, and q3: coordinates of the point on the top of the base centered between the vertical posts relative to a coordinate system with origin at the reference point of the world observer and axes parallel to the basis vectors in the reference triad of the world observer.

q4, q5, and q6: 3-1-3 sequence of Euler angles corresponding to the orientation of the base relative to the reference triad of the world observer.

q7, q8, and q9: angles that describe the orientation of the lower, middle, and upper beam, respectively relative to the base.

q10 and q11: angles that describe the orientation of the bracket relative to the lower beam and of the lamp shade relative to the bracket, respectively.

  • Show that the default choice of values for the geometric parameters guarantees that the only singularity of the kinematic differential equations is that corresponding to the orientation of the base relative to the world observer.
  • Modify the MAMBO project so as to eliminate the singularity associated with the Euler angles in the existing project formulation. (zip file, 16 kb, December 30, 2012)
This zip archive contains MAMBO and the MAMBO toolbox source files to visualize the MAMBO project and regenerate visualization files using maple 16, mupad 5.6.0 (matlab R2011a), and mathematica 8.0 versions of the code found below.

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   seq([Base,'Cylinder',point=MakeTranslations(base,0,p12*cos((i-1)/20*Pi),(2*p13+p12*sin((i-1)/20*Pi))),orient=MakeRotations((i-1)/20*Pi,1),radius=p14,length=Pi*p12/20,color=green],i=1..21)): #Base
   seq([UpperBeam,'Block',point=MakeTranslations(upperbeam,p21*sin((i-1)/20*2*Pi),-p20,p21*cos((i-1)/20*2*Pi)),orient=MakeRotations((i-1)/20*2*Pi,2),xlength=p21/8,ylength=p22*.98,zlength=p21/7*27/28,color=yellow],i=1..21)): #Upper beam
   [LowerBeam,'Cylinder',point=MakeTranslations(lowerbeam,0,0,p4/2),radius=p23,length=p4,color=blue]): #Lower beam
   seq([MiddleBeam,'Block',point=MakeTranslations(middlebeam,p21*sin((i-1)/20*2*Pi),-p20,p21*cos((i-1)/20*2*Pi)),orient=MakeRotations((i-1)/20*2*Pi,2),xlength=p21/8,ylength=p22*.98,zlength=p21/7*27/28,color=yellow],i=1..21)): #Middle beam
   [Bracket,'Cylinder',point=MakeTranslations(bracket,-p7,0,p8),orient=MakeRotations(Pi/2,1),radius=p5/20,length=p5/2.8,color=yellow]): #Bracket
  seq([Lamp,'Block',point=cat(LowerSide,i),orient=cat(lowerside,i),xlength=p31/20,ylength=p31/3.5,zlength=p31/3,color=blue],i=1..13)): #Lamp

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>f1:=FindTranslation(HBracket,HUpperBeam) &oo MakeTranslations(base,1)=0:
>f2:=FindTranslation(HBracket,HUpperBeam) &oo MakeTranslations(base,3)=0:
>motionconst:={q9t=-q8t} union DiffTime({f1,f2}):
>kde:={seq(cat(q,i,t)=cat(u,i),i=1..6),q9t=u7,q11t=u8} union motionconst:

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Sample projects