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Reference: Appendix B in Multibody Mechanics and Visualization by Harry Dankowicz, published by Springer Verlag UK, 2004.
W: name of declared observer
options: optional arguments for error checking and automatic spooling to output file
The function GeometryOutput generates a MAMBO geometry description corresponding to a connected components of the MAMBO toolbox geometry based at the observer W.
The optional arguments passed to GeometryOutput allow the user to spool the output directly to a file; to check that the resulting MAMBO geometry description is syntactically correct; and to check that the resulting MAMBO geometry description contains nothing but numbers, MAMBO parameters, MAMBO animated variables, and MAMBO state variables.
>Restart(): >DeclareObservers(A,B,C): >DeclarePoints(A,B,C): >DeclareTriads(a,b,c): >DefineObservers([A,A,a],[B,B,b],[C,C,c]): >DefinePoints([A,B,a,cos(s),p1,p2],[B,C,c,r-s,0,1]): >DefineTriads([a,b,theta,1],[a,c,[s-Pi/2,1],[Pi/2,2]]): >DefineNeighbors([A,B],[B,C]): >GeometryOutput(main=B,states=[theta=0],parameters=[p1=1,p2=2], anims=[r=s^2*p1-cos(p2*s)],time=s,checktree,checkargs, filename="output.geo");
DeclareTriads, DeclareObservers,
DeclarePoints, DefineObservers,
DefinePoints, DefineTriads,
DefineNeighbors, MotionOutput
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