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Reference for maple version: Appendix B in Multibody Mechanics and Visualization by Harry Dankowicz, published by Springer Verlag UK, 2004.
v, w: expressions
The Boolean binary operator > can be used in the anims and insignals components of a call to MotionOutput to represent a conditional expression whose value equals 1 if the left argument is greater than the right argument and 0 otherwise.
The Boolean binary operator >= can be used in the anims and insignals components of a call to MotionOutput to represent a conditional expression whose value equals 1 if the left argument is greater than or equal to the right argument and 0 otherwise.
The Boolean binary operator < can be used in the anims and insignals components of a call to MotionOutput to represent a conditional expression whose value equals 1 if the left argument is less than the right argument and 0 otherwise.
The Boolean binary operator <= can be used in the anims and insignals components of a call to MotionOutput to represent a conditional expression whose value equals 1 if the left argument is less than or equal to the right argument and 0 otherwise.
The Boolean binary operator == can be used in the anims and insignals components of a call to MotionOutput to represent a conditional expression whose value equals 1 if the left argument equals the right argument and 0 otherwise.
The Boolean binary operator != can be used in the anims and insignals components of a call to MotionOutput to represent a conditional expression whose value equals 1 if the left argument differs from the right argument and 0 otherwise.
The Boolean operators are implemented as functions. It follows that the expression v>w is equivalent to `>`(v,w). Since function evaluation has higher priority than arithmetic operations, parentheses must be used to delimit the arguments of the Boolean operators.
SetTime[t]; MotionOutput["ode"->{},"anims"->{k->(Sin[2*PI*t]>=0),On->(n1^2+n2^2+n3^2!=0)}] time t; |
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