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Reference for maple version: Appendix B in Multibody Mechanics and Visualization by Harry Dankowicz, published by Springer Verlag UK, 2004.
t: a name representing the MAMBO time variable
The function SetTime declares the MAmbo time variable for later use. Indeed, the DiffTime, LinearVelocity, AngularVelocity, LinearMomentum, and AngularMomentum procedures assume that the time variable has been declared this way. Any expressions with explicit time-dependence require the use of this command.
Restart; DeclareObservers[A,B,C]; DeclarePoints[A,B,C]; DeclareTriads[a,b,c]; DefineObservers[{A,A,a},{B,B,b},{C,C,c}]; DefinePoints[{A,B,a,Cos[s],p1,p2},{B,C,c,r-s,0,1}]; DefineTriads[{a,b,theta,1},{a,c,{s-Pi/2,1},{Pi/2,2}}]; DefineNeighbors[{A,B},{B,C}] SetTime[wrist]; MotionOutput["states"->{theta->0},"parameters"->{s->1,p1->1,p2->2}, "anims"->{r->s^2*p1-Cos[p2*wrist]},"checksings","checkargs"]; states theta=0; parameters s=1,p1=1,p2=2; time wrist; anims { r=-cos(p2*wrist)+p1*(s*s); } Restart; DeclareStates[q1]; DiffTime[q1*Sin[t]]
SetTime[t]; DiffTime[q1*Sin[t]]
DeclareStates, MotionOutput, DiffTime, LinearVelocity, AngularVelocity, LinearMomentum, AngularMomentum
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